Source code for satnogsclient.scheduler.tasks

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import base64
import json
import logging
import os
import threading
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

import pytz
import requests
from dateutil import parser

from satnogsclient import settings
from satnogsclient.locator import locator
from import Observer
from satnogsclient.scheduler import SCHEDULER

    from urllib.parse import urljoin
except ImportError:
    from urlparse import urljoin

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
OBSERVER_LOCK = threading.Lock()

[docs]def spawn_observer(**kwargs): obj = kwargs.pop('obj') tle = {'tle0': obj['tle0'], 'tle1': obj['tle1'], 'tle2': obj['tle2']} end = parser.parse(obj['end']) observer = Observer() # Get the baudrate. In case of CW baudrate equals the WPM baud = 0 if 'baud' in obj: baud = obj['baud'] setup_kwargs = { 'observation_id': obj['id'], 'tle': tle, 'observation_end': end, 'frequency': obj['frequency'], 'mode': obj['mode'], 'baud': baud } LOGGER.debug('Observer args: %s', setup_kwargs) if observer.setup(**setup_kwargs): LOGGER.debug('Spawning observer worker.') timeout_timedelta = end - if timeout_timedelta.total_seconds() <= 0: timeout_timedelta = timedelta() if not OBSERVER_LOCK.acquire(timeout=timeout_timedelta.total_seconds()): LOGGER.error('Observer job lock acquiring timed out.') return try: observer.observe() except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=broad-except LOGGER.error('Observation aborted due to an unhandled exception %s', ex, exc_info=True) finally: OBSERVER_LOCK.release() else: raise RuntimeError('Error in observer setup.')
[docs]def keep_or_remove_file(filename): # If set, move uploaded file to `SATNOGS_COMPLETE_OUTPUT_PATH`, # otherwise delete it if settings.SATNOGS_COMPLETE_OUTPUT_PATH: os.rename(os.path.join(settings.SATNOGS_OUTPUT_PATH, filename), os.path.join(settings.SATNOGS_COMPLETE_OUTPUT_PATH, filename)) else: os.remove(os.path.join(settings.SATNOGS_OUTPUT_PATH, filename))
[docs]def post_data(): """PUT observation data back to Network API.""" LOGGER.debug('Post data started') for fil in next(os.walk(settings.SATNOGS_OUTPUT_PATH))[2]: file_path = os.path.join(*[settings.SATNOGS_OUTPUT_PATH, fil]) if (fil.startswith('receiving_satnogs') or fil.startswith('receiving_waterfall') or fil.startswith('receiving_data') or not os.stat(file_path).st_size): continue if fil.startswith('satnogs'): # This file is an audio file if not settings.SATNOGS_UPLOAD_AUDIO_FILES: keep_or_remove_file(fil) continue observation = {'payload': open(file_path, 'rb')} elif fil.startswith('waterfall'): # This file is a waterfall image if not settings.SATNOGS_UPLOAD_WATERFALL_FILES: keep_or_remove_file(fil) continue observation = {'waterfall': open(file_path, 'rb')} elif fil.startswith('data'): # This file is a data frame # Check if it is serialized using json OR raw data try: with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as json_string: data = json.load(json_string) if not isinstance(data, dict) or 'pdu' not in data.keys(): # File can accidentally be parsed as json, but is missing the expected fields. # Thus we assume it is a raw data frame raise ValueError # This file is a json-encoded data frame observation = {'demoddata': (fil, base64.b64decode(data['pdu']))} except ValueError: # This file is a raw data frame observation = {'demoddata': open(file_path, 'rb')} else: # This file is of unknown type LOGGER.debug('Ignore file: %s', fil) continue if '_' not in fil: continue observation_id = fil.split('_')[1] upload_observation_data(observation_id, observation, fil)
[docs]def upload_observation_data(observation_id, observation, fil): """Upload observation data to SatNOGS Network API.""" base_url = urljoin(settings.SATNOGS_NETWORK_API_URL, 'observations/') headers = {'Authorization': 'Token {0}'.format(settings.SATNOGS_API_TOKEN)} LOGGER.debug('Trying to PUT observation data for id: %s', observation_id) url = urljoin(base_url, observation_id) if not url.endswith('/'): url += '/' LOGGER.debug('PUT file %s to network API', fil) LOGGER.debug('URL: %s', url) LOGGER.debug('Headers: %s', headers) LOGGER.debug('Observation file: %s', observation) try: response = requests.put(url, headers=headers, files=observation, verify=settings.SATNOGS_VERIFY_SSL, stream=True, timeout=settings.SATNOGS_NETWORK_API_TIMEOUT) response.raise_for_status()'Upload successful.') keep_or_remove_file(fil) except requests.exceptions.Timeout: LOGGER.error('Upload of %s for observation %s failed ' 'due to timeout.', fil, observation_id) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError: if response.status_code == 404: LOGGER.error( "Upload of %s for observation %s failed, %s doesn't exist (404)." 'Probably the observation was deleted.', fil, observation_id, url) # Move file to `SATNOGS_INCOMPLETE_OUTPUT_PATH` os.rename(os.path.join(settings.SATNOGS_OUTPUT_PATH, fil), os.path.join(settings.SATNOGS_INCOMPLETE_OUTPUT_PATH, fil)) if response.status_code == 403 and 'has already been uploaded' in response.text: LOGGER.error('Upload of %s for observation %s is forbidden, %s\n URL: %s', fil, observation_id, response.text, url) keep_or_remove_file(fil) else: LOGGER.error('Upload of %s for observation %s failed, ' 'response status code: %s', fil, observation_id, response.status_code)
[docs]def get_jobs(): """Query SatNOGS Network API to GET jobs.""" gps_locator = locator.Locator() gps_locator.update_location() url = urljoin(settings.SATNOGS_NETWORK_API_URL, 'jobs/') params = { 'ground_station': settings.SATNOGS_STATION_ID, 'lat': settings.SATNOGS_STATION_LAT, 'lon': settings.SATNOGS_STATION_LON, 'alt': int(settings.SATNOGS_STATION_ELEV) } headers = {'Authorization': 'Token {0}'.format(settings.SATNOGS_API_TOKEN)} LOGGER.debug('Fetching jobs from network...') try: response = requests.get(url, params=params, headers=headers, verify=settings.SATNOGS_VERIFY_SSL, timeout=45) response.raise_for_status() except (requests.exceptions.HTTPError, requests.exceptions.RequestException) as err: LOGGER.error('%s', err) LOGGER.error('Fetching jobs from network failed.') return latest_jobs = {job['id']: job for job in response.json()} existing_jobs = { int( job for job in SCHEDULER.get_jobs() if == spawn_observer.__name__ } dropped_job_ids = set(existing_jobs) - set(latest_jobs) new_job_ids = set(latest_jobs) - set(existing_jobs) LOGGER.debug('Fetched jobs from network, received %d future observations.', len(latest_jobs)) for observation_id in dropped_job_ids:'Drop planned observation %d (reason: deleted in network).', observation_id) existing_jobs[observation_id].remove() for observation_id in new_job_ids: obj = latest_jobs[observation_id] start = parser.parse(obj['start']) job_id = str(obj['id']) kwargs = {'obj': obj}'Received job for observation %s, starting at %s', job_id, start.isoformat()) LOGGER.debug('Observation obj: %s', obj) SCHEDULER.add_job(spawn_observer, 'date', run_date=start, id='{0}'.format(job_id), kwargs=kwargs, replace_existing=True)
[docs]def status_listener(): LOGGER.debug('Starting scheduler...') SCHEDULER.start() SCHEDULER.remove_all_jobs()'Registering `get_jobs` periodic task (%d sec. interval)', settings.SATNOGS_NETWORK_API_QUERY_INTERVAL) SCHEDULER.add_job(get_jobs, 'interval', seconds=settings.SATNOGS_NETWORK_API_QUERY_INTERVAL,'Registering `post_data` periodic task (%d sec. interval)', settings.SATNOGS_NETWORK_API_POST_INTERVAL) SCHEDULER.add_job(post_data, 'interval', seconds=settings.SATNOGS_NETWORK_API_POST_INTERVAL)